Tuesday, March 29, 2016

February Lady Sweater Class


Knit from the top down with no seaming to finish it, this makes for a great sweater for for a beginning knitter. Our first meeting will discuss the different yarn and needle options to consider with a week before the next class to purchase necessary items and knit a gauge swatch.

Supplies 15% off for class participants

To register:
Call or stop by:
118 North B Street

When: Monday April 25, 6-7pm, Tuesdays May 3, 17, 31, June 14, 28, 5-7pm
Cost: $60
Yarn: to be discussed in the first class
Needles: to be discussed in the first class
Pattern: to be discussed in the first class

If you miss a class session and need to reschedule there is a $10 additional fee.